What are the best wedding presents?

What are the appropriate presents you can bring to a wedding?
Money – lately, there has been a trend of giving money to a new wed couples. It is simply because the weddings are really expensive thing to organise. Obviously the bigger the more expensive. A couple can buy a honeymoon holiday from your chipping in or they just simply pay back the costs of wedding. There is a simple rule: You pay, how much you assume is worth your presence. If you think you will eat and drink for two people, just give them little bit more than it is average. If you are a couple, it should be double amount.
Voucher – If you do not want to give money to bride and groom for whatever your reason is, give them a voucher to Ikea, Tescoma, Globus. Anywhere they can buy staff for their home. It is no longer like this that couple having a wedding just started living together. They usually have been living together for past few years. But they might be planning reconstruction, family or whatever. So, the voucher is much better, than gifts such as microwave, blenders, mixers and so on. Unless you agree on that things with a couple.
Experience – if you are not sure about the money, and you think, they don´t need a voucher, buy them an experience they can be part of together. Nowadays there are agency that can organise an experience present for you on key. Or you can just switch of your bright thinking and imagination and find something yourself. A hot air balloon is experience, they might never forget (juts be careful about the heights phobia), you can also buy them a euro trip or wellness weekend. A very special and unexpected present (also pretty brave) might be erotic massage for couple. The best erotic massage prague will bring lots of new experience into their new wed lives and we are sure, they will love this present.